Aircraft Mechanic Resume

when applying for any aircraft mechanic jobs.

This aircraft mechanic resume is designed to assist you acquire any aircraft mechanic position, advertised or otherwise which you apply for. Use this form when applying for any airline careers position.

The importance of mechanics of any aircraft should never be underestimated regardless of the chosen field within the industry.

The completed resume is your personal marketing tool which provides you with the all important interview if successful.

The information that you provide about yourself allows your new prospective employer to get a snapshot of who you are personally and professionally while applying for jobs as a mechanic. They will formulate a decision as to whether or not you will be an asset who contributes to the overall running of the business.

If you need help finding an aircraft mechanic job click here.


NAME: Your first and last name only.

ADDRESS: Street name, suburb and city if needed.

TELEPHONE/S: Mobile and home number.

EMAIL ADDRESS: Use professional email address only.


EDUCATION: From most recent to and including High School.

QUALIFICATIONS: Educational qualifications e.g University, College, Tafe etc.

CAREER HISTORY: From most recent to earliest.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Clearly list in dot format your daily duties and responsibilities.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION: Only include this heading if you are still in University or College or completing a professional course to further your professional skills.

REASON FOR LEAVING: Only include this if you have had several new jobs in the past three years. Delete this heading otherwise.

MEMBERSHIPS: List your hobbies e.g Member at sporting club or similar.

Referees will be supplied upon request.

All you need to do is copy and paste these headings into a word processor (such as Microsoft Word), save it as "Aircraft Mechanic Resume" and then print one for each job application.

When completing your "Roles and Responsibilities" details write in order from most recent to least including the time frame e.g

May 2006 to October 2007 - Appointed as second in charge of a small team overseeing safety procedures were being maintained within the hangar. Workplace injuries were reduced significantly by 20% during this time.

Aircraft Mechanic Jobs

There are two ways that you can apply for aircraft mechanic jobs:-

1/ the main and most popular way would be in response to an advertisement that you have seen somewhere; and

2/ you could do a "cold-call" job application whereby you ask about any vacancies for aircraft mechanics at a particular airport/airbase.

When applying for a job from an advertisement you will need to include with your resume a cover letter.

The cover letter is basically an introduction of yourself and states the reason for your interest in working for a particular aircraft company.

As with the resume we have provided your cover letter to you for Free. Click on this Aircraft Mechanic cover letter link, copy the letter to your computer and then all is ready for you to complete, save and print when finished.

Aircraft mechanic resume - cold call letter

This "cold-call" letter is used to inquire about any possible Aircraft Mechanic job openings.

This particular business may not be in a position right now to take on more employees however that should not stop you from expressing an interest (most employers appreciate initiative).

As with the first letter you will need to submit this with your Aircraft Mechanic resume. This equips the employer with the knowledge of whether or not to proceed with an interview.

Just use the following link to get yourself a FREE cold call letter. Make the necessary changes, save and print it and send it with your resume.

Aircraft mechanic resume - Cold Call letter

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